Errors after having Removed the Access of Partition of Boot

Windows defines a special group called each one the group which implies full control permissions with the users.Sometimes, you could need to remove the access for this group. But if the partition of target is partition of boot of NTFS, you could encounter problems. In critical situations, you will have to restructure the hard drive and to reconstitute lost data of support. However if no clean support is available, should employ Recovery applications data to you.

Like example, you carry out these stages in the order
Remove the access for each one groups partition of boot which is made up with the filesystem of NTFS
then click replace permissions on the box of control of sub-directories
After this, you observe that you cannot reach the partition. You obtain errors which you cannot reach the desktop machine. This also occurs if you opened a session the system with administrative lines. Moreover, if another user tests opens a session, it fails. This occurs because each one groups cannot reach the partition. The test to begin the system of Windows-bases, gives the following error on the screen:

STOP: c000021A {Fatal System Error}
The behavior above is exhibited because you removed each one groups and chose the option to replace the permissions on sub-directories. This resists all the users including/understanding the administrator to reach the partition.

To solve the behavior above, should carry out these methods to you:
You can install Windows on another partition of hard drive and take the property of the partition affected after the notation in the new installation.
You can also employ the manager who allows you to change the permissions. To make thus, you will have to open a session with administrative lines and to open the manager of tasks to run a new task. You can then type winfile in the open box and then to click on the unit of initialization. You should then reach his menu of safety with the permissions and then Grant of click each permission of change of group.
As a last resort, restructure the partition of boot and reinstall Windows. After, the restoration lost data of support.
In the situations, when you find the data carrier in the state inadmissible or absent, employ the software of re-establishment of data. Such tools are used as inalterable tools for re-establishment of data to locate and reconstitute information absent.

The stellar re-establishment of data of Windows Phoenix is the optimum software of re-establishment of data. It supports Windows 7 RC1, Vista, XP, 2003, and 2000. It is inalterable that is compatible with filesystems FAT32, VFAT, NTFS, and NTFS5. It provides the advanced devices like the re-establishment of history file,the filter of file,except sweeping,the cloning of disc,the formation image and statute etc of driving disc.

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